Pyramides May 10th 2022

10 mei 2022 - Gizeh, Egypte

Early today we went to the pyramid enclosure. Because of the intense heat we thought it to be best with an early start.

You could go inside the pyramid. The most famous one, Cheops or nr 2. Kafre. We decided to go into the second one because the pyramides are empty anyhow. The mummies are preserved in musea. 

So we did it for the experience. Being there this early it was not a claustrophobic experience. We were inside the grounding 07.45 and we went out at 10.20. Already at that time it was getting hot.

We met some Saudis who told us being shocked at the culture, or better said the lack of it. Dirty everywhere and people trying to scam you all the time. He said not to be going back anytime soon.

We agree with the lack of respect to humans and animals alike. While resting at pyramid nr 3. an ordinary man trying to make ends meet spoke very frankly about the situation.  He told us he felt safe with us to open up his heart. He did not want to try to sell something to us. He said ordinary people do not dare to speak because they can get thrown into jail. The government's schools are bad. They tell you it is free but there is no system. The teacher ask money every month. If you do not pay him it means no education this month for your kids. 

Promises but only that. Rich people do not see this. He thanked us for the opportunity to speak frankly. 

The pyramid inside was more about the energy. You feel it. Roy didn't but admitted not being open for it.

Everything was impressive. And the way back we decided to go through the desert, to feel the Sahara sands between your toes instead of the paved roads.

Definitely worth the trip. 🥰😁😎
